Etelier, Kuala Lumpur — One Night Only
My employer surprised my mom and I this weekend by coming down from Singapore to treat us to a fancy meal, which set #GOeureka back MYR600. Before you pass your judgements, let’s get into it. The agenda — Etelier, KL in Brickfields. Most of what I am used to entails the backpackers trail, where Alex Garland and his prize winning novel, “The Beach,” acts as abible. So, trying something different is never pitted against any odds, even French Fine Dining. I know, I see the irony. Needless to say, Etelier was a welcome treat.
I don’t know much about French Cuisine nor what its finest has to offer, but with fresh food and subtle flavors amidst the lot of it, beckoning to tantalize our taste buds, my pop culture understanding of French Cuisine and its typical white wine sauces went out the window.
The concept is simple, all the menu items are listed by favor of ingredients used, from poultry to seafood, the experience was nothing short of exquisite. We are told that the best way to experience the best the 5-star restaurant has to offer is to share these main course items.
For starters we began with some a fresh, brisk beetroot salad, squid with deep-fried seaweed & scallop crochets. They warmed the palette nicely and so began the escapade into the diversity of mains, which proved enticing yet filling.
BBQ Leeks, Salmon and Quail were the backbone of my first experience with French Fine Dining and finally a Creme Brulee to finish. A very complete meal and by no means too hearty. Very well done!