Colour: A Ecosystems Best Way Out of Covid-19 Anxiety, in travel.
Why should we travel? From Dubai to Kuala Lumpur, quarantines are a plenty. But, how do we carry on with a domesticated government of whose political bias stems from 30 years ago, if not also inclined to see business sectors through, in accordance with the stabiliazation of the virus?
A tough question, and with every indicative stance, is forboding in its telling. How do we tell this story? I am 40 years old, myself so would have felt the impact of major turning points in our history, the big iffy is that the story cannot remain homogenous in its exposure. Point being that the world we see before is not flat and by no means related to the rest of the world. Our 3rd world antics is met with corrupt police officers, political kow towing, face saving and a lack of man power necesarry for the good of the nation. I serve and benefit myself for the sake of carrying on. What next?
There are at least two sides to this narrative and people should be able to get on with what they have inherited, where both sides of the equation is regarded with a difference between an uptown guy with a downtown girl. My solution is to accept our place in this world and to do our best when the best is the only thing we can afford. The story is alwasy different fro either end is the point.
“The world has enough to neccisitate need but not enough to necessaitate greed.”
— Poulo Coehlo —
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”
— William Blake —
Trying economic times coming to a halt, I guess I am okay.”