Is buying American Heritage a Good Idea for Malaysians?
Covid-19 is rampant, American have signed off against China’s Monetary Revolution and for the most part, my concerns lay with the American’s. Shall I spend my free time collecting and trading NBA Basketball cards is all I will care to do in the partaking of this discourse, they are seemingly in debt, as was reported on numerous news portals roughly in the year 2007, to the degree of 3 trillion American Dollars. #stuffhappens #vaguecitations
I do believe that China si the future but how does that affect business in Malaysia? Not much being that we are more or less allied with all the former world leaders in Lee Kwan Yew, Nelson Mandela and the George and George, not to mention the middle east and all its assets, we have in many ways become very lucrative and asset, certainly the region #wearepanasia.
So now back to travel?! Covid-19!! Don’t Stop Moving!! Things will settle as the Government and our Monarchs begin to chip away at the escalating numbers surrounding the virus. To be practical, daily living should segue into something that looks to be a semblance of better times. Just follow the rules and read the papers often. That should help us better equip ourselves, in travelling to and fro between Singapore and Malaysia perse.