Lost in Paradise?! `Fret Not!!
You know, traveling may not always be what it is cracked out to be. Between kids, suitcases and transit there is already enough hassle that is ready to deter you from your next vacation, and it may not be the end of that oh-so-luxurious beach holiday staring you in the eye from some 9 months prior. And, yes! For some it takes that long to realize a trip to the Maldives, and that is before the headache of actually getting to the famed destination.
So, now the big question; how to do shake the pre-vacation blues and just get ready to jet-set it like it was you hiring a private jet and having your vacation organized for you by “your people,” yes it is very much unlike having a PR crew catering to your every waking whim, well enough to see you through a stress free holiday. Now… how to get over it?!
Looking ahead from 9 months prior can be a good or a bad idea — depending on how you are built. The trick is really quite simple. Firstly, do not, and I mean absolutely do not, focus on the stress or the negativity that is no doubt impending. From Spring to Winter… sure, there are going to be set backs and a lot of ups and downs, but thinking of your holiday ahead could get you in the mood or it could get you more stressed at work, and all the while between picking up kids at soccer practice to handling the bills and saving enough cash for a little extra while you are on your trip can prove daunting, it still boils down to one thing; a simple algorithm that equates and will always equate to the same derivative… DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT Stress!!!
Again depending on how you are built just focus on the plus side and let the positive energy set in. Another thing to be thinking about and not the latter is the plain and simple fact; it is a holiday!! So, as it were… and, again do not focus on the stress related aspects of you trip-to-come but instead think of where you are headed, a place in paradise set for you and your loved ones for an exciting two weeks. FOCUS on positivity and positivity will find you. And as for now… happy travels!!