Sights & Sounds: Malaysian Football, Today?
Well, let’s not be stereotypes here… I mean, whenever it is one visits Glorious London, what is Piccadilly Circus or Westminster Abbey when you could take in a good football match, catch some of the local treats and take in the local’s route. Now mind you, there may be some disdain expressed by the locals(of any culture on earth) when foreigners waltzes into foreign territory and are greeted with an alien presence — bad things could happen. So firstly, explore with caution and spend your money wisely. The same with Malaysia, now such an opulent country with so much more to offer than from 25–30 years ago… take in a football match, after all, get this… it has been mentioned that Malaysia’s super league teams of the M-League have no salary cap for players playing in the pro football establishment. It has been said that there has been complaints surrounding the lack of improvement about the foreigners we hire to beef up the stock and well-worth of our local footballers — point? they spend a lot of money to keep this expansion manageable and the fans happy, but maybe it isn’t “all good” anyway. Outside of the money of which the top 20 highest paid players in the M-League are in fact foreigners, we do get a sense that we will never live up to our foreign hordes, so why not support it? Well, what we have is what we have, foreign intervention is necessary and paying these foreigners to guide us, isn’t the issue… they are here help is one way to take this, but maybe also think of the ones who have to work outside of the main tier of high paid individuals playing as high-skilled workers in Malaysia, who do not get to enjoy this. Let’s think again… #tourismkualalumpur #malaysiatruly Asia… One more thing, get off the Nasi Lemak!! #goddamnedforeigners