The 4 best ways to get mileage from your baggage
1. Sharing luggage space with the whole family
The nuclear family is not a round trip to the sun! If you have 2–3 kids, it does not mean you need to pack 5 bags. Try two, makes for more economical travelling and you will probably even have a little weight left over for your intimates. To be specific, One bag and all your clothes rolled up into neat little sacks in one piece of luggage space saves for extra charges on your trip. The second bag for all other dress materials such as shoes, accessories and liquids. Don’t forget to pack your tooth brush!
2. Set your kids aside — They are no bother at all.
When speaking of luggage, packing for five in two suitcases should do the job just fine. With your irate and excitable children aside the ordeal of packing for five becomes a whole lot easier. We’ve all seen the movies! Your kids, by the end of it all, will only need a knapsack for their toys, teddy bears and what-have-yous. The upside to the tried and tested method of keeping your children calm and well-behaved on a long flight toward the Maldives is that each one is to their own where access to their most affable moments are only a zipper away from your peace and tranquility.
3. The Total Package — The round trip… family trip.
We all have had experiences travelling with either our own parents as children or with children of our own. Between booking flights, adhering the luggage restrictions to customs checks we all know that the worst part of taking a vacation is all hassles mentioned prior. With all balls up in the air the only way to keep your sanity is to keep juggling. So, next time before you drop all your responsibilities on the floor think to compartmentalize your pre-travel routine and all should run smoothly.
4. New Airport Rulez!!!
A lot of people have needed to adjust to stricter Airport rules, mostly motivated by security and other terror threats, which have cropped up in recent times. You could play this to your advantage by adjusting to the rules in your own timely way and fashion. For example, with a layover on longer flights your bags are transferred from one plane to the next in a connecting flight, with several key things in mind i.e. between compartmentalizing your travel routine, minimizing your luggage by packing economically and keeping your kids calm by reassuring them with simple treats you are not just abiding by the new rules for a more secure process but you also end up branding your vacation stress free.