Why and how I manage travel writing from a rehabilitation centre.
They claimed I was crying while attending University in the UK and decided to pray over me. Very much akin to the scene in Star Wars, where Anakin Skywalker knelt to Emperor(then Senator Palpatine) in an informal ceremonial enchantment, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, became very real to me as well. I had replicated the events of the film, before the movie was released, in my own life. As I say, the movie had not been released at the time but when the time came to reflect on my past I felt angry and humiliated(2004).
Being that I wrote my own screenplay, going through the same process hardly seemed alienating, in its irony. I am haunted by images, even to this day, and ideas surrounding George Lucas offering me a word, speaking through me to reach “the father,” my father, Mr. John Lim Sr. After the events of 2004 had transpired and I was able to look back with a little bit more positivity, I then decided that it is art that imitates life and not the other way round. I did and still do believe that he was speaking to my paternal parent and not just to me. The message was clear. We were imposing on his business affairs. George managed to ascertain the images required of the final scenes on Episode III to finish the screenplay and finish production. As it were, I still wonder and about the movies, but not in a bad way.
I feel like I am taking a break and not so much being punished for the events that had transpired roughly 1 year ago now… January of 2021 — the relapse. I think now of this experience as that of a soldier’s long trek through forgiveness and understanding(I too like an NS Serviceman in Singapore) was army trained and used the swimming pool, for the most part, as a base foundation for my training. I also a qualified sports physician. My only hope is that my immediate family take into consideration that the loss of father and the life that he had lead is not a cursed one, but a blessed one.
The final thing to note in my tall tale of exemplary knowledge well received, though lacking in the wisdom to stay silent, is taken in full favor and by no means should it affect the rest of my family and friends. Instead, I feel ever enriched by my experience abroad and forever redeemed in eyes of all others.
Call Sign tobesmoke, signing off; to John, Irene, Justin and Jennifer Lim… my immediate family.