Wrong Time, Right Place — My Working Holiday, UK.
So I began with a little research surrounding what I would need to get a working holiday visa in the UK, and found out a lot of things. Tedious is the main thing and expensive is another… not to mention impractical. The minimum you must have in your account entering the UK into your working holiday is roughly(based on memory) GBP1370, and interestingly enough you would need to make roughly the wage of a minimum wage employee there for the duration of one year, which — in my estimate — would be GBP21 — GBP24 thousand pounds in the year.
This means you need some pretty high friends in some pretty high places, to be sure. The priority entails the importance of their economy and the necessary likelyhood that the world turns to war, Great Britain will again be called to the front lines… imagine Ukraine but magnified by 100 fold… simply bad news and absolute pandomonium.
Much of the research that I did had involved the Ukraine’s migration applications to the UK, which also required money, a certin amount that is. Perhaps, crimping on luxury would be a good idea for the time being, even as it brings Goeureka’s stock down, the UK remains a popular destination, and Malaysian’s wanting to travel to the UK remains popular, perhaps space, timing, empathy, a little money saved and a little bit of respect would allow people from Ukraine Immigrating to the UK a little breathing room. Let’s get them across the border and not think of travel in this trying time. The point being that the UK are on the front lines in this war also.
From Ukraine the best thing to do is to apply for the free UK Sponsorship Visa, which allows civilians the right to the ‘Homes for Free,’ program, which the UK and members of Nato are allowing casualties of war to take up refuge in the UK. I believe this visa allows families of about 4 to 5 with a minimum requirement(again based on memory) of roughly GBP16,000 — GBP17,000 to migrate to the UK. Should be relatively straight forward from this point. Check www.gov.uk for more information.
As for travel, perhaps the UK is not the best place to be right now. Unless you have a lot of money you really are just making more work than necessary for the Brits. For those who have kids there in Uni, spend money, don’t make trouble and everything should be fine in this trying time. #teachpeace